Choosing the right EMDR Consultant is critical to your professional development.
Annette Kerr is invested in helping you become a competent and confident EMDR therapist.
The right consultant
Helps you grow.
Why Annette Kerr?
With Annette you gain an EMDR Consultant who has seen a lot of different scenarios. She has 20+ years experience in the mental health field, she been licensed as an LPC for over 18 years in several different states. She has worked in a variety of setting from in-patient hospitals, community mental health centers with seriously mentally ill people, residential care facilities for children, and private practice settings. She studied and practiced CBT early in her career, then moved onto studying Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy from 2012-2017 before becoming EMDR trained in 2017. Annette then pursued certification soon after initial EMDR training. After obtaining certification her consultant saw promise in Annette and encouraged to become a EMDRIA approved consultant. Annette obtained her EMDRIA Approved Consultant designation in June of 2022. Annette has actively engaged in the EMDRIA Conference every year since first becoming EMDR trained, gaining valuable knowledge and staying on the cutting edge of what is new in the EMDR field. She also engages in local EMDR peer group meetings and completes an average of 40+ hours of EMDRIA approved CEUs yearly. She is committed to learning as much as she can about EMDR and bringing that knowledge to her consultees each month.
When & Where?
Currently Annette’s Consultation Group meets virtually on the first Fridays of each month from 11am-1Pm CST. *Only one space available at this time
A new group on the 3rd Friday of every month from 11-1pm via Zoom will be forming soon!
Individual sessions times are available during normal business hours Monday-Friday except Wednesdays.
The IDeal Consultee
The question is not only is Annette a right fit for you but also are you a right fit for her?
Annette’s ideal EMDR consultee is:
1) A professional who has a strong ethical and moral foundation, and will read & follow all your licensure rules.
2) Accepts responsibility, is organized, exhibits commitment to time management, & follows through with recommendations for readings and seriously considers recommended EMDRIA trainings pertaining to your areas of speciality or weakness.
3) Someone who is respectful of the time set aside for your consultation /group consultation and communicates in a timely manner.
4) Eager to learn beyond the consultation group or individual session times and willing to ask meaningful questions.
5) Dedicated to the EMDR standard protocol and understanding the AIP model and how to apply it to case conceptualizations for treatment planning.
6) Someone who is willing to commit to at least 5 consecutive months of EMDR consultation.
7) A therapist that understands Annette Kerr is a gate-keeper for the clinical practice of EMDR. If she is not confident you know the standard protocol well and how to navigate various common road-blocks and difficulties then she cannot recommend you for certification even if you have completed the full 20 hours of consultation.
8) Someone who understands the consultation relationship can be cancelled for any reason by either party at any time if it is not working out but of course she will communicate any concerns as soon as the issue arises.
9) Someone who can record EMDR sessions with client consent and be prepared to show their work for Annette to check fidelity to the standard protocol.
10) A EMDR therapist who is interested in treating adults with traumas, attachment theory and learning some ego state interventions.
11) Someone who understand certification is a process that could take 1.5 to 2 years for the full 20 hours to be completed.
12) Lastly a therapist that likes to laugh and have fun while learning! There’s time for seriousness and there are times for us to laugh at life and ourselves. I strive to make consultation an enjoyable experience for all and I am open to feedback to meet that goal.
*Side note-If you have completed some of your consultation hours and are looking for a new consultant Annette requires a minimum of 5 hours/5 months of consultation before signing off on EMDR certification. Minimum 5 hours/months is an industry standard to ensure that we consultants are effectively assessing readiness for certification.
Fees for Consultation
Monthly EMDR 2 hour Consultation Group-$75
Monthly Individual EMDR Consultation-$120